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Limor Goldner, PhD

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Limor G

Lecturer, Graduate School of Creative Arts Therapies

Research Interests:
Adult-child close relationships; Effectiveness of therapeutic interventions; Children/mothers’ relationships in drawings



Dr. Limor Goldner is an art therapist, a guidance counselor and curriculum developer. She received her PhD from the Counseling and Human Development department at the University of Haifa and her Art Therapy diploma from Beit Berl College. She trained future educational counselors at the University of Haifa as well as special education teachers and pre-school teachers at Oranim College of Education. She also served as the manager of guidance and training at Perach Project (the Israeli nationwide mentoring program). Currently, Dr. Goldner is the head of the art therapy track for ultraorthodox students at the Bnai Brak extension campus at the Graduate School of Creative Arts Therapies from the University of Haifa. In addition, she is researching the importance of adult-child relationships, specifically the relationship between care-giving adult-child relationships and art therapy.